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Lowes Hardware - Wadsworth Ohio

Commercial Project

Commercial Project

Norton, Ohio Fire Station

Commercial Project

Industrial Project
Summit County Metro RTA Intermodal Center - Akron, Ohio
Laria Chevrolet Expansion and Renovation - Rittman, Ohio
Sunnyside Toyota - North Olmstead, Ohio
Fastenal Distribution Center and HUB Expansion Project - Akron, Ohio
Acme Grocery Stores #10 - Cuyahoga Falls Ohio
Acme Grocery Stores & Jo Ann Fabrics Site Renovation - Fairlawn, Ohio
Lowes Hardware Store - Wadsworth, Ohio
FIT International Expansion - Valley City, Ohio
National Biochemical Expansion and Renovation - Rittman, Ohio
Goddard School - Highland Heights, Ohio
B & W Company Machine Foundations and Site Repairs - Copley, Ohio
Akron Hilton West Renovations and Site Repairs - Fairlawn, Ohio
Norton Fire Station - Norton, Ohio
Metalico Scrap Corporation - Akron, Warren and Youngstown, Ohio
University of Akron Student Housing Foundations - Akron, Ohio
Gamma Knife MRI Addition - Fairlawn, Ohio
Northside Church - Wadsworth, Ohio
Kraft Foods Dock Renovation Project - Steetsboro, Ohio
First Energy Renovation and Site Package - Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Medical Mart and Convention Center (Laser Screeding and Ground Floors)
Russel Standard Corp. JASA Products Tank and Mill Foundations - Akron, Ohio
Unilock Paver Company Expansion and Machine Foundations - Rittman, Ohio